1 - The Knight's Lament

2 - Lost Youth

3 - Showing some Ambition

4 - Tired of the Pressure

5 - Doomed to Life

6 - Parental Hassles

7 - Sleepy Time

8 - Tweeting Terror

9 - Bad Choices

10 - Sweet thoughts

11 - One of Us

12 - Wisewood Tree

13 - Don't Bother

14 - Death comes for you!

15 - Such a decadent beast

16 - Patreon riches

17 - Bunnies' tea party

18 - Crows like starting shit

19 - Stolen penis

20 - I have something to tell you

21 - Olympic Heroes

22 - Eco-friendly

23 - New employee

24 - Sex pervert

25 - All about me

26 - Buzz-crow

27 - A glorious death

28 - Fart or sneeze?

29 - Mirror-gazing

30 - The human condition

31 - Picking Princess

32 - Definitely not insane

33 - So Abductable

34 - Linda's first day

35 - A Supportive Partner

36 - Please kill them all

37 - Bye Duchess

38 - Do they understand me?

39 - Crow likes to watch

40 - No-treasure loser

41 - Please punish us

42 - Welcome to Spuddy

43 - The First Family of Spuddy

44- How Spuddy was saved

45 - No Refunds

46 - This foe is beyond all of you

47 - Dreams of Evil

48 - Waking up

49 - Forced into the family business

50 - Dragons & Dragons

51 - Yes to all

52 - We start in a tavern

53 - Duchess at the gates

54 - Games debate

55 - Game Over

56 - Creepy Crow

57 - A public servant

58 - Watch the Birdy

59 - Zizok lives!

60 - He's cute when he's angry

61 - My poor Duke!

62 - Christmas Angel

63 - New Years Eve party

64 - Magic Crow Feather

65 - New Years Resolution

66 - Wedding Crasher

67 - Sweet Buns

68 - Castle team-up

69 - You people?

70 - Slack Riddles #1

71 - Good Grief!

72 - Linda gets paged

73 - Helpful Guide

74 - The Dirt-Devil Cometh

75 - Take a letter, Linda

76 - A new leader

77 - Doris at the gate

78 - The Perfect System

79 - A letter to my brother

80 - Doris down the chute

81 - The Pillow Throne

82 - Think about the future

83 - Cultists forget their place

84 - Otho's golden shower

85 - Stu, Mick, Baz and Phil

86 - Twenty-sided problems

87 - Otho Crow goes postal

88 - Doris's gelatinous landing

89 - Mr. Grey's dysfunction

90 - A monstrous proposition

91 - Shattered faith

92 - Paul the player

93 - Cult in Crisis?

94 - Otho the evil Hogwarts Crow

95 - The Baroness DeSpud

96 - Feels so good inside

97 - Free-thinker

98 - Making a difference

99 - The Duchess of Doily

100 - Lord Baal returns!

101 - Spuddy adopts the bush

102 - So suffers the heretic

103 - Demon vacuum vs. red dragon

104 - Demon vacuum vs. red dragon #2

105 - He ain't called slack for nothing.

106 - The Age of Baal

107 - Duchess Doris released

108 - He's got nothing

109 - Potential toy in every bowl!

110 - Paul is bootylicious

111 - Terrible thoughts

112 - Deer oh dear

113 - Life is better with a pet

114 - Boring

115 - Doris the wingman

116 - It happens every time

117 - Otho's dream girl

118 - Showing real leadership

119 - Well, that's a relief

120 - Where terror begins

121 - Royal delivery

122 - Mood killer

123 - Meme monster

124 - His name revealed!

125 - She's got it all

126 - Magnum-level

127 - The White Stag

128 - Coffee with Tom

129 - Wyrmmie the Pooh

130 - How Hildegard stays motivated

131 - Follow me!

132 - Gotta catch 'em all

133 - Unhip Otho

134 - He wants to be the very best!

135 - The bet is made

136 - The Quest begins

137 - Goblins love kids

138 - Paul comes clean

139 - Cynical Educated Bird

140 - Linda meets Paul

141 - Jelly-love

142 - An elegant solution

143 - Battle of the Sexes

144 - All are guilty

145 - Happy Janet

146 - Janet's Judgment

147 - Happy Thanksgiving

148 - Nightmares

149 - Conscience

150 - A voice from within

151 - Trouble at Smelf Village

152 - Dragon-spa

153 - Crow owns crown

154 - Wingardium Leviosa

155 - Relatable wizard problems

156 - The wizard's tome

157 - Happier together

158 - Enter the Whingemaster

159 - Legendary Arse

160 - Know your role

161 - Zizok the climate scientist

162 - Flaming out the villain

163 - Old dragon trick

164 - Keen as beans

165 - Final form

166 - Too silly

167 - Doily Duchy: inside job

168 - Thanks, Chunk

169 - Hats & crowns

170 - Ho-hum Hitler

171 - Hitler 2.0?

172 - Big Brucey

173 - Emu Facts

174 - Come back, Hitler!

175 - Join the fight!

176 - Poor Blondi

177 - Role model

178 - Red dragon

179 - Life is golden

180 - Whompable

181 - Reverse Psychology

182 - I can't stay mad at you

183 - Intolerant

184 - Weighed down

185 - r u ok jon?

186 - Jon the feeder

187 - Top of the food chain

188 - Prince of Darkness

189 - The original edgelord

190 - Take a leaflet

191 - Heroic task

192 - Satan levels up

193 - So long, Satan

194 - Draconically Correct

195 - Riddle of the Sphinx

196 - Geoff Scoresby

197 - A cry for help?

198 - No I in team

199 - Smile you sonovabitch!

200 - It's on like Pokemon!

201 - Hildegard's Team

202 - Ferragus's roster

203 - Beatrix Potter vs. Nerd

204 - Beatrix vs. Wotan

205 - Peter Rabbit

206 - Wotan vs. Australian

207 - Nope Attack

208 - Fe-Fi-Fo-Fum!

209 - Great Aussie Dishes

210 - Left Below!

211 - Knock knock

212 - Big Brucey Attacks!

213 - The Scenic Route

214 - Unholy Alliance

215 - Toot toot!

216 - Sad Sphinx

217 - Power and love

218 - Mind control

219 - Bust it!

220 - Merry Facebook

221 - Cyber-bullied

222- Otho vs. Instagram

223 - Team-builder

224 - Incentive

225 - Safe Space

226 - Christmas Wishing

227 - The Story of Kringlekrist

228 - Unwrapping presents

229 - Unworthy?

230 - Therapy Session

231 - Happy New Year

232 - Happiness

233 - Atheist for life

234 - Crow Comics

235 - The town formerly known as Berk

236 - Trickle down dragonomics

237 - Cake farm

238 - Chicken with a whip

239 - Promoted

240 - Disgusting blob

241 - Building a better workplace

242 - Get cooking

243 - On and on it goes

244 - Nothing to ennui here

245 - No Sir, I don't like it

246 - Father & Son

247 - Relatable chicken

248 - Classic Human

249 - Chicken gets Egg

250 - The richest dragon

251 - Problem solved

252 - Fwooosh!

253 - Forged in Fire

254 - The Toughest Riddle

255 - Welcome Aboard

256 - Can't fight the seether

257 - Sacrifice

258 - Poor Zizok

259 - Erupto and Chloe

260 - Depressed

261 - I like to watch

262 - Man camp

263 - Deus Dulcis

264 - The Hero's Journey

265 - Let us down

266 - Failures

267 - The Hero's Journey - mentor

268 - Slim pickings

269 - The Easter Wyrm

270 - Three Losers

271 - Fails

272 - Back from Camp

273 - Crebain from Dunland

274 - Cleric of Feels - Round 1

275 - Cleric of Feels - Round 2

276 - Cleric of Feels - Final Round

277 - Screw you, Joseph Campbell

278 - Me Too

279 - Sad little creatures

280 - It's all about confidence

281 - Otho is bored

282 - Gods and monsters

283 - You know it to be true

284 - Child free

285 - Watching and planning

286 - So Disrespectful

287 - Removal Request

288 - Snake Mountain

289 - You shall not pass

290 - Janet's idea

291 - You can't have everything

292 - Teamwork

293 - Back in the game

294 - Reunion

295 - Life is strange

296 - Choices

297 - Doris goes the grope

298 - Duchess Doris vs. Sir Corpse

299 - Transferred to maintenance

300 - The Age of Slack Wyrm

301 - A wizard reborn

302 - Wizard love

303 - I feel nothing

304 - Choose your own adventurer

305 - Sookmoor's dream

306 - Monkey music

307 - Seems legit

308 - Up the stairs

309 - Down the chute

310 - The Evil Within

311 - Introducing Barrabhu

312 - For the love of a monkey

313 - Rascal's Choice

314 - The Last Temptation of Sookmoor

315 - What a guy

316 - He hates Mondays

317 - Tentacle porn

318 - It's Wednesday

319 - Get woke to Barrabhu

320 - DON'T clean your room

321 - You gotta put your name on it

322 - Sookmoor's Revenge

323 - Bad Influence

324 - No one blocks Otho Crow

325 - Friends & Enemies

326 - Badassery

327 - Happiness is a shiny buzzsaw

328 - Promoted

329 - Lord Edgelord

330 - You're welcome

331 - Castle Edge

332 - There can be only one

333 - FaDoooom!

334 - Gritty the Hood

335 - Hero Hunter World

336 - Not the Hero

337 - Super powers

338 - Judge Virtue

339 - Neighbourhood Watch

340 - Lord Edgelord Arrives!

341 - Ferragus Triggered

342 - Ferragus vs Edgelord Round 1

343 - Ferragus vs Edgelord Round 2

344 - Over the Edge!

345 - Jingle Jangle

346 - Barrabhu up to mischief

347 - Crow a go-go

348 - The Greatness of Gretch

349 - Gretch Tales

350 - Arbitration

351 - Green drunk

352 - It's a bet!

353 - You can do it!

354 - Slack Club

355 - David Skeleton the peeper

356 - Working hard

357 - Blue Death

358 - Ain't no shame in his game

359 - Gretch's Human Pick-up

360 - Gretch's Human pick-up #2

361 - Rise o' Edgelord!

362 - Call me EdgeGod

363 - It will be worth it

364 - Tale as old as time

365 - Remember TWO dragons

366 - Come back, EdgeGod!

367 - Chatting with Lizardman

368 - Gretchism

369 - Heroic Doris

370 - The Memeonomicon

371 - Mono-culturalism

372 - Popularity

373 - Doris Origin

374 - Gorgon stoned

375 - Barrabhu & David

376 - Who wears it best?

377 - EdgeGod is the coolest

378 - Temple of Gretch

379 - Wizzy Hizzy

380 - Enemies

381 - So you wanna be a wizard

382 - Reflection time

383 - Flat out like a lizard drinking

384 - Return of the Emu King

385 - Gretchbacks

386 - Doris's true self

387 - Hunting for Aussies

388 - Linda's Christmas Party

389 - Christmas with a corpse

390 - EdgeGod meets Otho

391 - Deborah vs. Diversity

392 - Ghost-Guy is lost

393 - New Year's Paul

394 - How to train your dragon

395 - The Caper begins...

396 - The Dragon Saddle

397 - The Lizardwing

398 - Gift Alley

399 - Cake Party

400 - Astral Battle

401 - Prepare for battle

402 - The battle is joined?

403 - Avatar action

404 - Broken toys

405 - Busted

406 - Gone baby gone

407 - Maybe he did?

408 - Maybe it was Hydra?

409 - Surprise!

410 - Feeling Better

411 - Racism revelations

412 - Allegations

413 - Cinnamon Swirls

414 - Sir Corpse visits HR

415 - Incomprehensible EdgeGod

416 - People today

417 - Hot Enough

418 - Red Doris

419 - Skate Chook

420 - Super-Good Doris

421 - Knock knock

422 - Sponsorship

423 - Poor Barrabhu

424 - Too beautiful

425 - Settling in

426 - Money troubled

427 - Morale

428 - It begins

429 - Badminton Round One

430 - Gretch gets involved

431 - David vs. Barrabhu

432 - Paul vs. David

433 - Paul vs. Ghost-Guy

434 - Ghost-Guy vs. Goblins

435 - Goblins vs. Linda

436 - Otho vs. Bertie

437 - Otho vs. Bugbear & Goblin

438 - Otho vs. Rene Sphinx

439 - Otho vs. Lizardman

440 - Lizardman vs. Doris

441 - Doris vs. EdgeGod

442 - Badminton Endgame

443 - No more adventures

444 - Bugbear blues

445 - Ancient wisdoms

446 - The bet's fate

447 - Human theatre

448 - Wyrm Radiation Syndrome

449 - Not as terrible

450 - Draconic Standards

451 - Gender Quota

452 - The Dark Reign Begins

453 - Otho gets a cat

454 - The Doctor is IN

455 - Game of Dragons

456 - Edgy eating

457 - Social pressures

458 - Fomo wyrm

459 - It's over, Paul

460 - Follow Hydra

461 - Love coach

462 - Help me, Sir Corpse

463 - Paul's choice

464 - Taking up the mantle

465 - New level of power

466 - Where's my money?

467 - Poster Cube

468 - EdgeGod's plea

469 - Tony Stegano

470 - The Quest is declared!

471 - A useful idiot

472 - Promoted

473 - The Deus-Ex-Box

474 - A visit to Gretchopolis

475 - Gelatinous workers unite!

476 - Two adults, please

477 - Rule breaker

478 - Not Welcome

479 - Boss-Manticore

480 - Get ready to die!

481 - Good night, Edgegod

482 - The Edge Awakens

483 - Kid-Slack

484 - The Edgeblade returns!

485 - Finishing move

486 - Mortophobia

487 - Zizok returns

488 - Paul fires Otho

489 - The healing of Gretchopolis

490 - En Route to the Frost Giants

491 - Breaking-up

492 - Trekking up North

493 - Making camp

494 - Fun n' games

495 - The Door

496 - I will have revenge!

497 - Blue crow

498 - Magically Sealed

499 - Takeover plans

500 - Here comes Trouble

501 - New dragon in residence

502 - Melting moment

503 - Tanks for nothing

504 - Gretch's New Order

505 - Zizok's spell

506 - Get up, Edgegod

507 - Name change

508 - Some like it hot

509 - Edge-meter

510 - A Time to Kill

511 - Barrabhu makes his move

512 - Nightmare on Gretch Street

513 - The Chamber of Terror

514 - Choking the dragon

515 - Return of the Monkey

516 - Barrabhu Broken

517 - Epic loot

518 - Shut up, Wyrm

519 - Great Winter Warg

520 - The Truth revealed

521 - This way please

522 - Jarl Thunburg

523 - Edgegod Strikes

524 - Attack of the +2 mace

525 - Immune to fire

526 - Epic battle

527 - The Wrath of Parka

528 - Strong to the finish

529 - A Melting moment

530 - Victor Varg

531 - The Box is Opened!

532 - Finger Lickin' Good

533 - Golden Showers

534 - Share the wealth

535 - Vote Otho

536 - Orwellian Crow

537 - Knock knock

538 - Pay up

539 - Paid in full

540 - Welcome back

541 - Notice me

542 - Viktor's role

543 - Confront the Cringe King

544 - New tree

545 - Official novelization

546 - The world goes by

547 - Thanks again

548 - Thinking of me

549 - ReQuest denied

550 - Welcome to Viktors

551 - Merry Lizardmas

552 - Print and Copy

553 - Which wig?

554 - Merry Crowsmas

555 - Axe flipped

556 - Why Zizok cares

557 - Damn peasants

558 - Sorry not sorry

559 - Leave me alone

560 - Extreme Chicken

561 - Barrabhu triggered

562 - Everything works out

563 - Tastes fruity

564 - Look to the future

565 - Unwary travellers

566 - How to open a portal

567 - Six stages of lizardman

568 - Edgegod has news

569 - Edgegod wants to learn

570 - How to steal Paul's lunch

571 - Teach me

572 - Takeaway

573 - A coming crisis?

574 - Rule Breaker

575 - Always Two

576 - Struck down

577 - Math humor

578 - Something funny

579 - Skate or Die

580 - Aristotle said

581 - Brick Face Challenge

582 - Choose your hell

583 - Otho is watching

584 - Otho spoils things

585 - Hydro-therapy

586 - Time to soak

587 - Help the world

588 - The Choice is made

589 - Not cynical


590 - The Worlds problems

591 - The Wheel of Wizney

592 - en route to Metaphor

593 - We go in

594 - The Gate is open

595 - Spin the wheel

596 - We go together

597 - Morally Bankrupt

598 - I am the Leader

599 - Lonely at the top

600 - Look at that

601 - Boring Quest

602 - Take a load off

603 - Reward

604 - Why we quest

605 - Super-intelligent dino

606 - She is back

607 - The Seduction of Edgegod

608 - Revenge of the Edge

609 - Gretch arrives

610 - Kerplunkosaurus Rex

611 - The King Revealed

612 - Feel the Edge

613 - The King Unleashed

614 - KerPlunk Endgame

615 - Viktors game

616 - The New King

617 - Full badass

618 - Quest over

619 - Browned off

620 - Slay the cook

621 - TMI

622 - All in this together

623 - Deer hunter

624 - Plein Air

625 - Wasnt me

626 - Sleeping in

627 - Press conference

628 - Lizardman versus Bugbear

629 - No mates

630 - Pizzazz

631 - Bony tears

632 - Deep well

633 - Doris the heel

634 - Gretch's new idea

635 - Edge patrol

636 - The Edge Effect

637 - Freaks and weirdos

638 - Hot rain

639 - I wonder

640 - Gone Fishing

641 - Lovecraftism

642 - Which man is best

643 - Barrabhu goals

644 - Laundry day

645 - Birdwatching

646 - Hey kids

647 - Deep wyrm

648 - Sixty Seven secrets

649 - Hip-dicks

650 - Happy hens

651 - Complicated Doris

652 - Foolish humans

653 - Edgy Cross

654 - Gelatinous Sphere

655 - Chronic Elation

656 - Get over it

657 - Exclusive to me

658 - The war is never over

659 - Cottagecore

660 - Nothing cringe about swirls

661 - No shame

662 - Gritty dudes

663 - Curried egg and lettuce

664 - Bony booty

665 - Dig Dugging

666 - Who is the Evilest

667 - Bouncy castle

668 - The secret of success

669 - Evil is a construct

670 - The Last Dance

671 - I am no man

672 - Enough

673 - Zizok cancelled

674 - Burned

675 - Miss Corpse

676 - Ghost-guy has problems

677 - Viktors lover

678 - Working from home

679 - Tough Corpse

680 - Rabble rouser

681 - Who is out there

682 - Say something

683 - God and Edgegod

684 - Bertie or Viktor

685 - Comfort zone

686 - Join the union

687 - Dinner is served

688 - Existentially Offensive

689 - Let downs

690 - Suds n buds

691 - Normal Quest Begins

692 - Barrabhu consults

693 - Normal Juice

694 - Otho is coming too

695 - Leisurely stroll

696 - Well well well

697 - Short cut

698 - Moog disguise

699 - Dibs on his brain

700 - Edible Moog

701 - Alice time

702 - Puke the Moog

703 - Gretch the Hippie

704 - Who gets the cure?

705 - Doris cured

706 - No more adventures

707 - Who rejected who

708 - Swamp hydra

709 - The things I do

710 - Doin the Rona

711 - Happy New Year

712 - HR recommends

713 -  Nothing is impossible

714 - Tinder horror

715 - Barrabhu makes soup

716 - Enemy privilege

717 - Your wizard

718 - Dragon Age

719 - Poo-peeper

720 - Emu vs knight

721 - Plucky young lad

722 - kid eater

723 - Not understood

724 - Edge School

725 - The Edgegod Effect

726 - Everyone is doing it

727 - Top secret wizard business

728 - Smooth Glame

729 - Vodka on the rocks

730 - Otho the healer

731 - Smoking Wyrm

732 - Haunting dreams

733 - Barbecue time

734 - Peasantorr

735 - Edgegod steps in

736 - Form Blazing Turnip

737 - Edgegods weakness

738 - Edgegod walks away

739 - Barrabhu steps up

740 - He got onto that

741 - Unfollow the science

742 - Troubled childhood

743 - who to call?

744 - Call the expert

745 - Janet arrives

746 - Pious chook

747 - Chicken hammer

748 - Amen Janet

749 - Order restored

750 - Evil beach ball

751 - Ridiculous howling

752 - Wyrm musings

753 - My new commune

754 - off to a rocky start

755 - Gretch is conflicted

756 - Edgegod appears

757 - Cringe police

758 - Moog on fire

759 - Baked and stoned

760 - Just throw it

761 - Truck you

762 - The sword and the wyrm

763 - Stuck sword

764 - Blink blink

765 - Gretch cured

766 - The Wyrm and the Moon

767 - Super Zizok

768 - Hero angst

769 - Dr Lizardman

770 - Disturbing Doris

771 - Massage therapy

772 - The Final Solution

773 - Hawking spotted

774 - Gotcha

775 - Save Barrabhu

776 - Talking faith

777 - Diabolical lich

778 - Lovely day

779 - Moog Returns

780 - Flower child

781 - Dreamcoat days

782 - Who is number one

783 - Choose a weapon

784 - pick a box

785 - Got him thinking

786 - Free-hate

787 - Fausted

788 - Gretch note

789 - Whom to choose

790 - I accept

791 - knight vs lich

792 - Nosering and Tattoos

793 - Morons

794 - I am here

795 - My boy beats your boy

796 - Tatt-nado

797 - suit up

798 - Roid rage

799 - Blast off

800 - You first

801 - Mickeys crushing hand

802 - Hoard thieves

803 - Two messages

804 - The Box opens

805 - Monkey Magic

806 - Bestie Box

807 - Use Xylophone

808 - The Real Thing

809 - Barrabhus plan

810 - Monologing

811 - Stop Interefering

812 - Thieves

813 - Fight over?

814 - We are leaving

815 - Start the engines

816 - On their tail

817 - P is for

818 - Auf Wiedersehen Gretch

819 - Rich wyrm poor wyrm

820 - Too legit

821 - What are you reading?

822 - My book is missing

823 - Intriguing

824 - Step Two

825 - Gretch realises

826 - Declaration of intent

827 - Make it happen

828 - Go get me one

829 - will you join?

830 - I smell treachery

831 - Man of peace

832 - What is the ruckus

833 - two out of three

834 - Look who it is

835 - not my friend

836 - Put you on ice

837 - Bad dog

838 - Bertie-ball

839 - Hey diddle diddle

840 - Hydra goes over

841 - So long Moog

842 - Team Barrabhu

843 - Nurse David

844 - Consult the tome

845 - Number one fan

846 - Finally decided

847 - The Seven Skies Pirates

848 - Ugly old woman

849 - Treasure map

850 - All in favour

851 - Plan is in motion

852 - Book has everything

853 - Pirates arrive

854 - Sun lizard

855 - Should Terry die?

856 - The usual

857 - Go get em

858 - Use the faust

859 - Achtung me hearties

860 - Here comes the...

861 - Someone do something

862 - No terry no peace

863 - Dear old dad

864 - Scaredy cat

865 - Team player

866 - No parley

867 - Why the olive

868 - pickle attack

869 - two guns

870 - Showdown

871 - Big fat dragon

872 - Bucky Bouchard

873 - Slack Wyrm down

874 - Carry on Doctor

875 - On his ass

876 - Lizardman returns

877 - Pirates on foot

878 - Beaver attack

879 - The Great White North

880 - pillow fluffer

881 - Personal problems

882 - The Canrog

883 - Take Janet with you

884 - Eat Hickory

885 - Enter the abyss

886 - Monkey or monster

887 - traffic problem

888 - Home Alone

889 - A gooey end

890 - The Mario

891 - Goose of Anor

892 - Demon on demon

893 - Goldfish getaway

894 - Stay forever

895 - Going West

896 - Mandate me

897 - Brucey is Back

898 - Brucey is here

899 - Special head cannon

900 - Three return

901 - Bye bye Bucky

902 - Defender of the Keep

903 - Welcome to Viktors

904 - Marvellous medicine

905 - Drink up

906 - Genuine article

907 - Ten feet tall

908 - Dragons Lair

909 - Cake time

910 - Cake trippin

911 - Feelin good

912 - Pimpin aint easy

913 - He is in there

914 - En guarde

915 - Parry this

916 - Wyrm stop!

917 - Cutting deals

918 - Thank God for corpse

919 - Party boat

920 - mobile party boat

921 - locked up

922 - Sweet Tiamat

923 - Drinkin Chicken

924 - Look behind you

925 - Sail off into the sunset

926 - Thats not what I do

927 - Bad dog

928 - Risky Corpse

929 - Worried about the world

930 - blame game

931 - Father Wyrm

932 - Without a trace

933 - Linda needs motivation

934 - Just a mini boss

935 - Next zany adventure

936 - Vice-signalling

937 - Not edgy enough

938 - Go home Edgegod

939 - Adolf Satanicus

940 - Rain of Terror

941 - Fear the Pride

942 - Fear the pox

943 - Sunset Manor

944 - Room Fourteen

945 - Linda is sick

946 - Hidden boss reveal

947 - Dark Rolls

948 - You died

949 - The crew commit Seppuku

950 - Soulmate

951 - Lady Sally

952 - New coach

953 - Call me

954 - New head coach

955 - Grubclub

956 - Training montage

957 - Give them what they want

958 - Bad Philip

959 - What is HR?

960 - Bugbear put through paces

961 - That is one big pile of

962 - Bugbear Fail

963 - Jelly Attack

964 - The world is mine

965 - Free lute

966 - Toe tool

967 - Spaghetti night

968 - Oh Sole Mio!

969 - It rhymes with rooting

970 - Doris back to normal

971 - Death Knight vs Death King

972 - The Cheese

973 - Engage lawn chair

974 - Toe cheese

975 - A loot drop

976 - The Power of Edge

977 - Thirsty of Edge

978 - Look at you now

979 - Victory parade

980 - The importance of HR

981 - Sister Kalista

982 - Mr Jigglebits

983 - Doris and the Death Knight

984 - Against the Giants

985 - How mysterious

986 - Who am I?

987 - Otho arrives

988 - Do this for me

989 - Case closed

990 - How do I get successful

991 - Everything is mine

992 - Doris is cool

993 - Take this

994 - Lolth lover

995 - I see you

996 - Clown attack!

997 - Rascal Wins!

998 - Monkey bad

999 - Ghost Adventures

1000 - Nothing has changed

1001 - What is a ghost

1002 - Have you heard

1003 - I remember

1004 - where are we going

1005 - Fast Travel

1006 - Back at the castle

1007 - Dark depraved monster

1008 - Say yes

1009 - It goes down tonight

1010 - Ghost-Guy revelations

1011 - The Death of Ghost-Guy

1012 - East-West Breasts

1013 - HR hassles

1014 - Man Troubles

1015 - Smells good as gold

1016 - A disturbing arrival

1017 - Triggered

1018 - Jocasta Grand

1019 - Lower life form

1020 - We dont need their kind

1021 - Thanks for the cash

1022 - Going dark

1023 - I want answers

1024 - How rude

1025 - Order of Happiness

1026 - No thanks to Zizok

1027 - You punk

1028 - The Wrath of Tony

1029 - Tony bounces

1030 - Undeaded embedded

1031 - The happy couple

1032 - Gretch turns green

1033 - Feeling disgusting

1034 - I know you are here

1035 - Mystical powers

1036 - Zen Gretch

1037 - Gretch is cheered

1038 - Too slow

1039 - Keep moving

1040 - Happiness

1041 - Get the girl

1042 - Show some respect

1043 - One soul two bodies

1044 - look behind you

1045 - Down the hatch

1046 - Breath weapon

1047 - Gretch on ice

1048 - Gretch phylactery

1049 - Meanwhile

1050 - Ghost Guy calls

1051 - Enjoying beverages

1052 - Drinking buddies

1053 - Claiming a trophy

1054 - Phone a friend

1055 - Viktor the paragon

1056 - Vodka is horrible

1057 - Time to go

1058 - Cloud warg

1059 - Where is everyone

1060 - Family matters

1061 - Moog returns

1062 - Arbalast returns

1063 - Who are you

1064 - Can we pet him?

1065 - Tensions rise

1066 - Summon Meteor

1067 - Rock on

1068 - Anime smoke

1069 - Plot armour

1070 - You bastard

1071 - Violence time

1072 - liquor feels

1073 - Punch evil

1074 - Bonus second attack

1075 - Country name

1076 - Canadia

1077 - New roomie

1078 - wind beneath my wings

1079 - Forgiving nature

1080 - Open up

1081 - Ching-Ching!

1082 - We are in trouble

1083 - Janet returns

1084 - I got the case

1085 - Mexican night

1086 - Undeleted

1087 - Keys saved

1088 - Soda stream

1089 - Moog is not sure

1090 - Happy corpse happy life

1091 - dream time

1092 - Kill me son

1093 - little friend

1094 - Troubled Teen

1095 - Virginia Slim

1096 - Othos Spell Components

1097 - Read my book

1098 - Face me

1099 - You must control them

1100 - Dream journey over

1101 - Not myself

1102 - I sense something

1103 - Ninja chicken

1104 - Come up to the house

1105 - Biology wins

1106 - Welcome to the party

1107 - Crow will go

1108 - Take a seat

1109 - How to get rich

1110 - Heading to a village

1111 - Grab that Gold

1112 - Chookuto Shinhen

1113 - Take it to HR

1114 - Black Temple of Zoggg

1115 - Janets journey

1116 - The Fate of Frenchtoast

1117 - Come out Zoggg!

1118 - Fetch complete

1119 - Secret Moog business

1120 - Duchess Gretch

1121 - French choke

1122 - Chicken smoke

1123 - Prepare to fire

1124 - Got her

1125 - Next Generation

1126 - Where is the book Leroy?

1127 - This is my body

1128 - Golden reflection

1129 - Come and face me

1130 - I must sleep

1131 - He is still outside

1132 - I am rich now

1133 - Beet check

1134 - Demon Fist

1135 - Look what you did

1136 - For the birds

1137 - Final form

1138 - Muscular

1139 - Pineapple time

1140 - Look what you did

1141 - I have hobbies

1142 - no pineapples no peace

1143 - Well-tenderized

1144 - brain probe

1145 - Brain trouble

1146 - Zoggg reborn

1147 - Gee I wonder

1148 - Power Tower

1149 - AI threat

1150 - Zero problems

1151 - You are great

1152 - So resplendent

1153 - Mac Enclave

1154 - Book return

1155 - fix your face

1156 - Unlikeable

1157 - Catholic dragon

1158 - Beet test

1159 - She passed

1160 - Arrival

1161 - Psycho head games

1162 - On the inside

1163 - Getting close

1164 - Domestic troubles

1165 - Linda no use

1166 - Confession time

1167 - Freebie table

1168 - Shadow dragon

1169 - Look who is back

1170 - Drive her out

1171 - We have the loot

1172 - I came for the XP

1173 - Who needs it

1174 - Cringe regret

1175 - The battle within

1176 - Delegate

1177 - Real dragon

1178 - Fired up



1179 - Situation deteriorating

1180 - Dont be fooled

1181 - Wyrm food

1182 - Tricky demon

1183 - Terrible power

1184 - Pillow trap

1185 - Unholy union

1186 - Evil cute

1187 - Hello Zoggg

1188 - Beet love

1189 - Out of control

1190 - Super normal

1191 - True edge

1192 - New rule

1193 - The system

1194 - Best boy

1195 - Dont tread on him

1196 - Scum

1197 - Midnight mass

1198 - Tattoos are out

1199 - Edgy Happiness

1200 - Diverse Teen Super Team

1201 - Blue Devil

1202 - Blue threat

1203 - Prepare to die

1204 - Satan-backed

1205 He is good

1206 - She is here

1207 - She needs to talk

1208 - Lizard love

1209 - Come back to me

1210 - Lonely at the top

1211 - Not edgy

1212 - I want to meet them

1213 - Where are they now?

1214 - I want to be like you

1215 - Rise of Blackball

1216 - Creep wyrm

1217 - Twilight of Grand Wyrm

1218 - Take me to the Keep

1219 - Farewell citizens

1220 - Sneaky phone call

1221 - Important updates

1222 - Daily sacrifice

1223 - New role

1224 - Not a pet

1225 - Chosen

1226 - No friends

1227 - Satan not happy

1228 - Barrabhu reflects

1229 - Gretch and Doris

1230 - The Truth of Arbalast

1231 - Treeless

1232 - Moog appears

1233 - Acting Arbalast

1234 - Achievement attained

1235 - Flat Moog

1236 - Otho goes for help

1237 - Good friends

1238 - not paying attention

1239 - Follow your DMs

1240 - Zeus is loose

1241 - Chocolatey goodness

1242 - Age difference

1243 - Is this it?

1244 - Attacked

1245 - Headless

1246 - Go help

1247 - Wily

1248 - Phone call

1249 - Gotta go

1250 - Head shot

1251 - Creepy floater

1252 - You look familiar

1253 - Who I am

1254 - Eye beams

1255 - Get out of my head

1256 - Smart guy

1257 - Dizzy for Doris

1258 - Hair play

1259 - He cares

1260 - Team up

1261 - Feel the Edge

1262 - Sword blocked

1263 - Angry Gretch

1264 - Power fading

1265 - Think next time

1266 - Paul goes splat

1267 - The Perils of Paul

1268 - We have to go

1269 - Time taking

1270 - Goblins to the rescue

1271 - Gandhi wisdom

1272 - Zoggg go gettem

1273 - Stay or go

1274 - Goodbye Doris

1275 - Crisis averted

1276 - Bleah

1277 - How dare you

1278 - You blew it

1279 - Lost his head

1280 - Not that guy

1281 - sword goes bye

1282 - Magic lamp

1283 - The Young Ones

1284 - Return to the Duchy

1285 - Longing for parka

1286 - The plan starts

1287 - Did you know

1288 - Welcome back

1289 - The invitation

1290 - Volk wyrm

1291 - Things change

1292 - For the best

1293 - A warning from Zizok

1294 - A gift from Viktor

1295 - Dragon terrorizes castle

1296 - Heresy

1297 - Soul of a dragon

1298 - Low effort

1299 - Ice parade

1300 - Handle it yourselves

1301 - Cheesy

1302 - Yummy

1303 - Orgy time

1304 - What is yours is mine

1305 - No orgy

1306 - Tunguska

1307 - The Event

1308 - Delicious

1309 - Does not compute

1310 - Brain rot

1311 -Safe to drink

1312 - Here it is

1313 - On its way

1314 - Freak magnet

1315 - All shook up

1316 - The real me

1317 - Too strong

1318 - No friends

1319 - Special delivery

1320 - Paralytic

1321 - Look who is here

1322 - Hair horror

1323 - Tonight is the night

1324 - Get up

1325 - Mine now

1326 - This party is over

1327 - Last thing

1328 - Magic time

1329 - Sign up today

1330 - People power

1331 - Why I am here

1332 - Slave potential

1333 - Bessie appears

1334 - Not creepy at all

1335 - Very attractive

1336 - Slave days

1337 - Doris stop!

1338 - The power of love

1339 - Spell is broken

1340 - Gretch smashed

1341 - Do it for me

1342 - Monkey business

1343 - Drinkies

1344 - Follow me

1345 - Bye Bye Zoggg

1346 - The Return

1347 - Icy mood

1348 - Axe aquired

1349 - Shhhhh

All content (C) 2001-2025. Joshua Wright.